Designer • Illustrator • Artist
Jessica is currently employed as a full time graphic designer.
Jess also takes on commission artwork and occasional freelance design projects. Below are a collection of works from such projects.
A business card created for makeup artist – Artist of Béauty Chetna Rose.
First Jess spoke to Ms Rose about her vision for the business. They reviewed a range of business cards Jess had collected, and talked about elements that appealed and would best suit the card for Ms Rose.
A photography shoot was then conducted with a model wearing Ms Rose's makeup and a photograph was selected for the front side. Jess then Photoshopped the image, making it bolder and more dramatic. A few options for the back of the business cards were designed, which included the client’s existing logo. When she saw the designs, Ms Rose was surprised by their simple quality and professional aesthetic. One of the cards was selected and shown to a sample audience for feedback. Final touches were made to enhance the hierarchy of the design and they were sent for printing. Ms Rose was incredibly grateful for the new business cards and remarked that she was since receiving positive feedback from her own clients, which were quickly increasing in number as well.
What began as an illustration project on the subject of “a phobia” resulted in packaging for a small collection of items designed to help people who have anxiety and depression. Mental illness is represented as shadowy claws enveloping the young woman, which evaporates away from her as she is more at peace within herself. In the same way, the vanilla-scented candle, natural soap and bathbomb can be used (possibly following a yoga or meditation session) with a relaxing bath to help the user relax and de-stress.
This project combines photography and stories of spitz enthusiasts from across Australia and New Zealand. It was a pleasure for Jess to put this magazine together and represent such a distinctive breed with dignity, honesty, and a healthy amount of light-hearted humour. In honour of the Japanese Spitz Australia Facebook community, the magazine was shared on the page as a digital PDF.
A business card and a promotional item for a new museum; the "Museum of Yowies". Constructed around the theme of the urban legend, the museum appears like an exclusive access point for classified information.
"Q" took centre stage through a combination of typographic forms. The white Q bodies have a sense of fluttering movement. By contrast, the black Q tails appear together as a single, motionless form.
"A" is a poster celebrating the uppercase A, with particular emphasis on the bar. The excited energy is presented through random repetitions and vibrant colours.
For this project, Jessica worked with All Saints Anglican Church in Greensborough on refining the All Saints Youth, Sunday at 6, and Young Adults logos. The aim was to create a design that was clean, modern, unified and reflective of the target audiences. For the youth logo this would be high school age students, for the young adults ages 18 to 30, and for the Sunday at 6, primarily those in the Young Adults group, but also some of the youth and older adults. The client had a specific vision for the logos and had a basic monochrome design set out already. Jess's job was to keep the current unity whilst refining the logos and making each distinctive. The unity of the church is symbolised by the ring around the logos’ edge, which also fits with the modern aesthetic. The brush script is more expressive for the youth, while the transitional serif used for the young adults and Sunday at 6 is more refined and mature.
Postcards done in Adobe Illustrator. Pastel colours and repeating dots create a playful, slightly retro aesthetic.